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Qualified staff is a characteristic of easy-kid-care. We place great value on perfectly trained staff. They are subjected to strict selection and application processes. Target discussions are carried out regularly and progress, development and satisfaction are examined. The continuous further education More/Mehr…

Childcare vouchers Childcare vouchers in Olten Here you find all the information about childcare vouchers in Olten: Childcare vouchers in Egerkingen Here you find all the information about childcare vouchers in Egerkingen: Antragsformular Egerkingen

Download CD Booklet Bestellformular Gerne senden wir Ihnen die CD für CHF 11.10 (Betrag inkl. Versand und MwSt) zu. Füllen Sie dazu bitte untenstehendes Formular aus:

Lunch Table Egerkingen   Since August 2017 easy-kid-care has organised a lunch table on behalf of the local community. This offer is for kindergarten and primary school pupils in Egerkingen. The Local community has promised a supporting contribution for the More/Mehr…

Here you find all the information about childcare vouchers in Olten: –> Betreuungsgutscheine

Erfahrungsbericht einer Familie Juli 2017

Our daycare center provides a loving and supportive environment for young children, where they can play, learn, and grow. We understand the importance of high-quality early childhood care and place great emphasis on meeting the individual needs of each child. More/Mehr…

Easy-kid-care Referenzschreiben Feb 16 (german)